About me
Hello, my name is Christopher, I am a Registered Nurse, Volunteer Firefighter, Code Enthusiast, Anime Enjoyer, and PC Gamer.
My public resources are in the top 3000 resources in all of FiveM, with ~27,000 downloads.
Tebex store launched in Nov 2024 has ~100 customers.
Between Dec 2023 and Dec 2024, worked ~1,400 contract hours.
GitHub estimates ~2,300 contributions in 2024, with 96% being code commits.
FiveM "Jack of all trades".
Primary languages are C-Sharp and Typescript/JavaScript, with some familiarity of LUA & PHP.
Confident with Git (CLI, GitLab, GitHub, GitKraken).
Prior experience with CodeWalker (mapping), DurtyClothTool (EUP), Blender/3D MAX (model/map collisions), Pterodactyl/Pelican panel, and Windows & Linux FiveM server set-ups.
Efficient communicator and documentor, thanks to Nursing background (horrible speller though).
What i'm doing
FiveM Resource Development
I create a mix of paid and free resources for FiveM under the name Inferno Collection.
Software Engineering
I work for ConnectMyBiz as a Software Engineer.